
Open Digital Summit San Francisco 2018: Everything You Need To Know

Learn about user experience & engagement for the connected customer in Open Digital Summit

Open Digital Summit San Francisco 2018: Everything You Need To Know

It's time to move beyond mobile and unleash the power of connected experiences with the annual event at Open Digital Summit by the Incite Group. Earlier known as the Open Mobile Summit, this year a new approach has been taken by the organization because mobile-first thinking is over as the user has now moved on from using just one device.

Even the most successful brands are understanding the need for connected consumers and using it as part of their growth strategies. They are making all of their platforms and other social media channels work towards achieving a seamless customer experience.

Details of Open Digital Summit

The Open Mobile Summit event will be held on the 26th and 27th of November 2018 Hyatt Regency, San Francisco Airport. An annual hub for brands that are renowned globally, where digital strategies across all connected devices will be discussed.


So, why not be part of the line-up of the digital product, UX design and engagement executives with the movement to meet the needs of connected consumers? This is because customers are no longer buying only products, they’re buying connected experiences as products.

In order to stay ahead of the competition and more importantly, stay relevant in this rapidly changing environment this event can bring a great understanding of your business.

Designations & Roles

  • C-Level Executives
  • CMO, Chief Digital Officer, Chief Customer Officer
  • Director Content and Creative, Director Personalization, Director Omnichannel
  • VP/Director of Marketing, VP/Director of Social Media
  • Director Customer Experience, Director of Digital Marketing, Director Data, Insights, and Analytics

Key Speaker of the Event

  • Sherif Mityas, Chief Experience Officer, TGI Friday’s
  • Michael Gough, Vice President Product Design, Uber
  • Bryan Mahoney, Chief Technology Officer, Glossier
  • Fred Santarpia, Chief Digital Officer, Condé Nast
  • Michael Korcuska, Chief Product Officer, Weight Watchers


Pricing Information

  • Executive Pass (Brands) – $2345
  • Executive Pass  (Service Providers) – $3095
  • Standard Pass (Brands) – $2195
  • Standard Pass (Service Providers) – $2895
  • Economy Pass (Brands) – $1995
  • Economy Pass (Service Providers) – $2695
  • Sponsor Options – $7000

Main Topics to Be Covered in the Event

Below are some of the key topics that will be covered during the event with expert speakers from their respective fields:

  • Customer Understanding and Personalized Experiences: To create data-driven personalized experiences at moments that matter.
  • Engagement and Story Inspiring: To cut through the noise with impactful interactions that inspire.
  • Attribution & Performance: A deeper understanding of performance in a multi-channel world.
  • A Reinvention of Marketing: To redefine your brand purpose and evolve your marketing presence.
  • Omnichannel Marketing: To create a consistent omnichannel strategy to deliver a seamless journey to the customer.
  • Qualcomm’s: Digital transformation to drive a new narrative.
  • Things to Know: About Customer Experience in a Digital Commerce.
  • Social Media Marketing: Overcome organic reach challenges, engage influencers, embrace new content formats and implement Augmented Reality (AR).

Some Reasons to Attend Open Digital Summit

Here are some of the main reasons why you should not miss the Open Digital Summit of 2018:

  • 500+ peers and colleagues to enhance your network: Benchmark, debate and learn from the best minds in the marketing field.
  • 3 in-depth conferences in one: Exclusive insights on the three main pillars of marketing. And dive deep on one topic or customize your experience with sessions from each stream.
  • 55+ expert speakers sharing insights: You simply will not find a stronger collection of in-house marketing expertise anywhere else.
  • Save weeks of work: Get more insights in just two days than in weeks of market research and competitive benchmarking.
  • 25+ hours of thought-provoking debate: Case studies, keynotes, and discussions to equip you with the skills and insights to flourish your upcoming years in the industry.

Final Thoughts

Being part of one of the most senior-level gatherings of product management, marketing, engagement professionals and UX design is a great opportunity for knowing the hidden tactics behind user engagement and retention. At Open Digital Summit, attendees will get to know about data-led strategies and reinvention of marketing.

Also, if you like to keep yourself updated with more such informative articles then go ahead and tap on that 'Subscribe' button to stay notified with all important events. Also, we would like to know your thoughts about this conference in the ‘Comment’ section down below.

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With a mixture of literature, cinema, and photography, Manish is mostly traveling. When he is not, he is probably writing another tech news for you!

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