
Jury App: Providing Litigation Without Going

A Fun app to resolve family and local disputes

Updated on February 02, 2023
Jury App: Providing Litigation Without Going

We live in a society. A society is made of different individuals who co-exist despite their differences, in a uniform fabric of life and work culture. This includes our neighbors, colleagues, friends and even families. Since, we all are connected to so many other individuals, differences ought to happen. We as humans also tend to cope with differences using quarrels, debates and sometimes fights causing a lot of mental and physical stress. Things might even go out of hand here. This is where the jury app steps in. It is basically a nonbinding dispute resolution app that allows individuals to sort their issues in a virtual courthouse type environment. 

Justice, The Just Way

Personal Arguments, fights and issues may be big or small. Even the side of bed to sleep on could be an issue for a brother or a sister and so can be the timing of your loud music for neighbors. Now, we can obviously not go to courts or jury for these petty issues. The jury app sees no small or big. It is a conflict resolution personal tool. Complainants can download the app and summon a board of six jurors each to sort these issues out of court, but in a court manner. The app is a boon for innately shy individuals who may be unable to take their fights and debates to victories. This litigation app allows complainant and plaintiffs to give evidence and pertinent information about the case at hand. The app allows loading of support documents, scans, images and related emails as evidence and settlement for arguments to let the jurors reach a  balanced and informed decision.

You can go to this jury for anything and everything.

resolve conflicts onlin

For the Naive and the Not So Naive Negotiations 

The jury app helps to resolve conflicts online in an amicable and civilized manner, without getting into the trivia of unjust or unequal surroundings.  Let us now understand how all this works:

1. The plaintiff is required to download the app from either the Apple store or they play store as per their device type and post a case. He or she may also choose the defendant.

2. They can then select a jury of upto 6 people each from peers or from different countries and societies which they think will understand their point better.

3. Both the parties can then upload documents which include texts, images, emails etc. as evidence to prove their point.

4. Both the parties are then given a chance to advocate their points (both for and against) and question those provided by the opponent.

5. The app jurors listen to all this and look at the evidence and try and provide a balanced verdict with clear reasons for their decisions. Decision by not 1 or 2, rather 12 sound minds helps the parties to see the case in a new light and hopefully resolve issues.

Life is a very long journey that tends to get over complicated  by stress of difference of opinions, logics and mindsets. The jury app helps to remove this stress. Moreover,it is an excellent way for kids and adults alike to understand  and  find logic with our legal  ways. It can even be used as a fun-filled, yet learning enabling, tool for dispute resolution with logic.

There are many features in this virtual jury app, that make it remarkable:

  1. Personal Conflict Resolution

    The app offers settlement solutions to resolve disputes in a logical way. All the evidence is  taken into account and claims and counterclaims are heard by the appointed jury, before responding back with a tentative solution.

  2. Online Litigation

    There are no advocates or real world courts to inculcate high judiciary costs for the plaintiffs or the defendendents of these cases. Thus, it virtually litigates disputes in a real-like, fun way without any advocacy or court charges, whatsoever..

  3. Virtual Jury

    The app allows the plaintiff and the defendant parties to themselves select jurors for their case. It could be peers, colleagues, family members or even completely unknown individuals from different countries and societies for a bias-less decision.  Upto 6 jurors can be appointed each by both the parties..

  4. Complete Independence

    Despite the allowance of upto 12 sound minds to listen and resolution of disputes, the jury is an arbitrary app. Thus, all its verdicts are arbitrary as well. It is at the discretion of both the parties to adhere to or not adhere to the verdicts given.

Personal Conflict Resolution

Mad Verdict: Jury App Review

Design- 4.0 stars
Usability- 4.2 stars
Features- 4.2 stars
Reliability- 4.0 stars

MAD rates- 4.2 stars

The jury app helps to resolve disputes online, without getting into nasty fights and unpleasant scenarios. The app helps resolve personal disputes through virtual court cases heard by logical jurors, also appointed by both the parties. It virtually litigates disputes without advocacy or court overheads in light of evidence and arguments presented. It is basically a court like, but arbitrary settlement platform. MobileAppDaily provides your daily dose of the latest news on mobile applications, reviews and app store’s trending charts in our detailed app review section. It is a comprehensive platform that provides complete information about the usability, efficiency and market presence of the various applications entering and exiting the virtual space of the wide web.

Written By Pallavi

She is an avid writer of technology and trending mobile apps. When she is not busy updating you about the tech world, she spends time reading books and playing guitar.

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