mobile App marketing

How to Know If Influencer Marketing Is Right for Your App?

According to a study conducted by Linqia, over 86 percent of marketers have tried using the influencer marketing strategy and over 94 percent have found it to be effective.

Influencer Marketing for App

With more brands targeting the same consumers and so much content generated every single day, it is becoming harder for brands to reach their target audience. This has led to many brands going back to the drawing board to strategize on how to reach their consumers faster. In the past few years, influencer marketing has grown to become one of the most sought after online marketing strategies

According to a study conducted by Linqia, over 86 percent of marketers have tried using this strategy and over 94 percent have found it to be effective. In another study conducted by Tomoson, it was found that brands had increased their budget for influencer marketing by over 59 percent. These are only some of the reasons why more and more marketers are jumping onto this bandwagon. In fact, many world-renowned brands like Adidas have already taken advantage of this unique and powerful marketing strategy. 

But before you launch a successful influencer marketing campaign, you would want to be sure that you are making a good decision. To help you be sure that you are not wasting your precious time, let's look at some simple questions. 

Questions To Ask Yourself To Know If Influencer Marketing Is Right For You 

1. Are There Influencers in Your Target Market? 

Influencer Marketing for app

Influencer marketing doesn't mean that you go and connect with just any social media power user you come across. Their audience might not match your target group. To be on the right track, you will need to engage only with the right influencers. When looking for an influencer, conduct your search based on also your type of content type and also the level of engagement. Perhaps you should focus more on building a lasting relationship with your influencer as opposed to getting carried away by a huge following. 

2. Do You Have a Social Media Presence?

Social media is without a doubt the backbone of influencer marketing. And therefore, this means that for you to make it easy for consumers to reach your content you need to have a solid social media presence. However, you don't have to spend hours and hours peeking on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. You just need to have an effective social media strategy put in place. You can even automate things like postings and replying to consumer questions using tools like Buffer and Hootsuite. With a social media presence, you will even be able to get notifications and even share their posts. 

3. Does Your App Appeal to the Consumers?

In order for you to have success with influencer marketing, you also need to have an app that will generate enough interest. Generally, every app has a topic and it is this topic that will determine the success of your marketing strategy. For that reason, you should gauge your app’s appeal by looking at how often you hear the topic being mentioned, the number of similar apps in the market, the broadness of its demographic appeal, and if consumers will be excited to hear about your mobile app. 

4. Do You Have a Great App Design?

 design of your mobile app

The design of your mobile app also matters a lot when it comes to influencer marketing. Even though you can use social media to improve your brand, it is the design that will make it easier for consumers to recognize your brand. This is because a well-designed app will tell a memorable story. In addition, your app design will also communicate a clear message, prove your credibility, create loyalty, and with your customers. Therefore, you need to get your app design in order before you plunge into influencer marketing.

How To Do Influencer Marketing The Right Way? 

We believe that you are able to now make a more informed decision on whether or not to invest in influencer marketing. If you are convinced to give it a try, you may be now wondering how to get started with this type of marketing. However, we do understand that getting started can be quite difficult. Thankfully, we are going to guide you on how you can get your campaign up and running. 

1. Identify Your Goals

Just like any other marketing strategy, you need to first have a defined goal in order for you to execute your campaign. You will need to identify whatever you expect to get from the campaign, whether it is improving your mobile app marketing engagement, conversion, or a little bit of everything. Whatever your goal is, use it as the basis for setting up your campaign. 

2. Find the Right Influencers 

After identifying your goals, you know you need to find influencers who will help you achieve those goals. If for example, your aim is to improve your mobile app engagement for gaming apps, you will need to look for mobile app gaming influencers. While it is always tempting to use a single metric like an influencer's number of followers when measuring influence, it is important to always go deeper. 

To help you make a good decision, here are three main things to look for when choosing influencers. 

Three Things To Look For In An Influencer

3. Providing Rewards for the Influencer

When you are approaching influencers, you should make them an offer that makes you stand out from the rest. While it can be quite a challenge for most brands, most influencers will be more motivated to work with brands that offer them something more than just financial rewards. One of the best ways to do this if you are on a budget is by offering them an above-average commission rate per sale instead of just a flat fee. 

4. Plan Your Influencer Marketing Campaign

Now that you have found a good influencer that fits your marketing needs and you can afford, you now need to think about the type of campaign that you want to execute. Actually, there are numerous ways that you can use to run an influencer marketing campaign. Therefore, you will need to only choose the ones that are ideal for your brand. These ranges from helping them promote a giveaway contest to having them create unique content. 

 Plan Your Influencer Marketing Campaign


Overall, influencer marketing is an effective marketing channel that provides brands with an efficient and focused approach to reach their target audience. Being one of the fastest-growing forms of marketing currently, it is expected to continue expanding further and further. Thus if you have not already started using it, now is the second-best time to develop your strategy and start reaching your consumers cost-effectively. With this guide, we are hopeful that you have now understood all about influencer marketing and how you can launch your campaign the right way. 

Arpit <span> Business Development Head </span>
Written By
Arpit Business Development Head

He is responsible for marketing programs, brand management, and corporate sponsorships. He thrives on challenges, particularly those that expand the company’s reach. Next to work, Shadow, his dog, immensely contributes to his happiness.

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