
Top Python Courses for Experienced and Novice Players

The article includes top Python courses suitable for individuals as well as teams to uplift their python programming skills.

Updated on December 09, 2023

If you’re also a newbie coder who wants to put a dent in the tech world, there are certain skills that you need to acquire to present your capabilities. But as the tech world is ever-evolving and certainly is a tough place, knowing where to start becomes a head-scratching task. While there are many things you need to know, the primary skill to learn is coding. However, it comes with its own set of questions. 

As there are numerous priming languages and frameworks, choosing the best one for you becomes important. Python is now one of the most influential and tending languages promising a bright future for a lot of fellow developers. Python is taking the world by storm because of its diverse applications and abilities, allowing developers to get hired by reputed custom software development companies.  

This article aims to guide companies, entrepreneurs, and businesses through the maze of options, ensuring they find courses that align perfectly with their objectives and skill levels.

What is Python? 

Python is certainly making its name in programming languages, and the compatibility with new technologies has only made demand for this language grow. But for a novice, it's still an uncharted territory. So, what is Python? Is it a technology? A software? A snake in your backyard? 

Well, python is a programming language that is known for its simplicity, readability, and versatility. Created by Guido van Rossum, it first emerged in 1991. The design philosophy of Python prioritizes code readability, notably through significant whitespace. Python's appeal to both programmers and businesses is vast and diverse. Here's a deeper look into Python's qualities, including how it's taught in top Python courses and online Python courses:

Top Python Courses 

Programming for Everybody — Getting Started with Python

The Programming for Everybody course, provided by the University of Michigan, is an introductory program in Python programming. It's designed for a wide range of learners and spans seven weeks. The course is unique because it requires no previous programming experience and avoids complex mathematics, making it ideal for beginners. Not to mention, the course has over 123k bookmarks and 35k reviews on Class Central.

Key aspects of the course include:

a. Installation of Python and crafting a first program.
b. Grasping the fundamentals of Python, including its syntax and semantics.
c. Learning about variables, data storage, retrieval, and computation.
d. Gaining insights into basic programming language concepts and computer programming.

A notable feature of the course is its emphasis on applying Python for beginners and data analysis. The practical tasks are brief, keeping the weekly workload light, typically a few hours. By the end of the course, participants should be proficient in reading, parsing, and manipulating data with Python.

Pros Cons
Beginner-Friendly: No prerequisites and simple math make it accessible for beginners. Basic Focus: May not cover advanced topics, limiting depth for experienced programmers.
Practical Skills: Focuses on real-world applications like data analysis. Limited Scope: Primarily focuses on Python, which may not cater to interests in other programming languages.
Flexible Workload: Manageable hours per week, suitable for people with other commitments. Duration: At seven weeks, it may be lengthy for those seeking quicker learning options.
Comprehensive Introduction: Covers fundamental concepts in Python and programming. Learning Depth: Being an introductory course, it might not delve deeply into complex concepts.
Hands-on Experience: Writing programs and manipulating data provides practical experience. Resource Dependency: Relies on external Python resources, which might require additional learning time.

Computing in Python I: Fundamentals and Procedural Programming

Computing in Python I: Fundamentals and Procedural Programming is a comprehensive online course offered by the Georgia Institute of Technology through GTx on edX. This beginner-level course serves as an introduction to the Python programming language and is part of the Introduction to Python Programming Professional Certificate program.

The course starts from the very basics, teaching how a computer interprets lines of code. It covers essential topics such as writing programs, evaluating their output, revising code, working with variables and their values, and using mathematical, boolean, and relational operators. 

It then progresses to programming, where students learn the basic principles of writing and running code, evaluating results, and understanding the differences between compiling and executing code. The course also includes a chapter on debugging, an essential skill for any programmer.

Students receive training in writing short Python programs that make use of logical and mathematical operators. The difficulty of the issues grows as the course goes on, which improves the students' capacity to program for increasingly difficult situations.

Pros Cons
Foundational Learning: Ideal for beginners, covering the basics of Python and computer programming. Basic Level: May not be suitable for those looking for advanced Python topics.
Practical Application: Focuses on writing, running, and debugging programs, offering hands-on experience. Limited Scope: The focus is on Python, which might not cater to those interested in a broader programming perspective.
Step-by-Step Progression: Gradually introduces more complex programming concepts, making it easier to follow. Pacing: The gradual progression might be slow for learners who prefer a faster pace.
Problem-Solving Focus: Includes numerous coding problems to enhance problem-solving skills. Narrow Focus on Procedural Programming: This may not cover other programming paradigms like Object-Oriented Programming.
Part of a Professional Certificate: Offers a pathway to further education and certification in Python programming. Commitment Required: Being part of a larger certificate program requires a commitment to complete the full series for certification.

Codecademy: Analyze Data with Python

The Codecademy Analyze Data with Python course can be the answer for you to learn the essentials of data analysis using Python. This 10-week-long course, which is considered to be one of the best Python courses for data science, is tailored for beginners and focuses on statistical data analysis and the communication of findings through meaningful data visualizations. It includes a diverse syllabus comprising 8 units, 28 lessons, 17 projects, and 19 quizzes​​.

The course begins with an introduction to data analysis and Python, followed by learning about NumPy for statistical operations. It progresses to data manipulation using Pandas, a popular Python library. Another key component is data visualization, where students learn to use Matplotlib, a Python library for creating static, interactive, and animated visualizations. The course also covers important topics such as statistics for data analysis and hypothesis testing with SciPy, providing a well-rounded education in Python for data analysis.

Pros Cons
Comprehensive Curriculum: Covers a range of topics from Python basics to advanced data analysis techniques. Time Commitment: Being 10 weeks long, it requires a significant time investment.
Hands-On Learning: Includes numerous projects and quizzes for practical application of concepts. Beginner-focused: It may not be as beneficial for those with advanced Python knowledge.
Data Visualization Skills: Teaches valuable skills in creating meaningful visual representations of data. Focused Approach: Primarily geared towards data analysis, which may not suit those interested in other Python applications.
Certification: Offers a certificate of completion, adding value to the learner’s professional profile. Online Format: Lacks the personal interaction and immediate feedback of a traditional classroom setting.
Real-World Application: The skills are applied to real-world cases, enhancing job relevance. Self-Paced Learning: Requires self-discipline and motivation, as it lacks the structured environment of in-person classes.

DataCamp - Introduction to Python

DataCamp's Introduction to Python is another program designed to introduce beginners to Python and the basics of data analysis. This online course, which can be completed in just four hours, consists of 11 videos and 57 exercises, providing a structured and engaging learning experience.

The course is specifically tailored for individuals with no prior experience in Python or coding in general. It covers fundamental aspects of Python, such as using Python as a calculator, understanding variables and types, and building Python lists. The initial part of the course focuses on using Python interactively, teaching how to store, access, and manipulate data. This section prepares learners to effectively use one of the world's most popular programming languages for everyday functions and applications.

The latter half of the course introduces functions, methods, and packages, essential components for leveraging the code written by other Python developers. This approach enables learners to solve problems efficiently by utilizing existing Python libraries and packages. The Course concludes with an introduction to NumPy, a crucial package for data science in Python, where students learn to use its tools for data exploration.

Pros Cons
Comprehensive Curriculum: Covers a wide range of fundamental programming concepts and data structures.. Time Commitment: Requires a significant time investment of 9-10 hours per week over five months.
Georgia Tech Quality: Offers the same instructional material and assessments as Georgia Tech’s on-campus Python course. Intensive Study: The pace and volume of content may be challenging for some learners.
Practical and Interactive: Includes live programming problems and real-world examples for hands-on learning. Long Duration: The extended course duration might not be suitable for those looking for quick learning.
Beginner-Friendly: Designed for individuals with no prior background in computer science. Focused on Python: May not cater to those looking to learn a broader range of programming languages.  
Builds a Solid Foundation: Ideal for further studies in computer science beyond Python. Self-Paced Learning: Requires self-discipline and commitment due to the online self-paced nature.  

edX: Introduction to Python Programming 

The edX platform is also in the running with its Introduction to Python Programming course by none other than the Georgia Institute of Technology. This course, part of a professional certificate series, is adapted from Georgia Tech’s CS1301: Introduction to Computing and has been successfully used in its for-credit classes. Over approximately five months, requiring 9 to 10 hours of study per week, students are taken from having no background in computer science to achieving proficiency in the basics of computing and programming, particularly in Python​​.

The course covers a range of foundational topics, including the fundamental design cycle of computer science, programming basics using variables, mathematical and logical operators, control structures like conditionals, loops, functions, error handling, and core data structures such as strings, lists, dictionaries, and file manipulation. It also introduces object-oriented programming skills and computer algorithms. The teaching methodology includes short videos, live programming problems, real-world examples, and multiple-choice questions for constant feedback and understanding.

Pros Cons
Short Duration: Can be completed in just four hours, making it suitable for those with limited time.. Basic Level: May not cover advanced Python topics, potentially limiting depth for more experienced learners.
Beginner-Friendly: Designed specifically for people with no prior Python or coding experience.. Scope Limitation: Focuses mainly on basics, which may not suffice for comprehensive learning in data science
Practical Exercises: Includes 57 exercises for hands-on learning and application of concepts. Fast Paced: The short duration might mean a rapid pace, which could be challenging for some learners.
Focus on Data Analysis: Offers an introduction to data analysis in Python, a valuable skill in many industries. Limited Depth in Data Science: Only provides an introduction to data science, requiring further learning for proficiency.  
Introduction to NumPy: Teaches the basics of a key Python package for data science. Online Format: Lack of face-to-face interaction and real-time support compared to traditional classroom settings.  

How to Select the Right Python Course 

Whether you’re going for Python multithreading or basic Python coding, selecting the right course for you is a foundational task. Here are some factors to consider while selecting the right Python course. 

Understanding Your Team's Needs

The journey begins with a clear understanding of your team's current proficiency in Python. Are they absolute beginners or seasoned coders looking to polish their skills? Identifying this will help tailor the course selection to fit their specific needs. For instance, Python for beginners would benefit from courses focusing on fundamental concepts and practical applications, while advanced learners might seek courses delving into complex topics like machine learning or data analysis.

Course Content and Relevance

Once the skill level is assessed, scrutinize the course content. A good Python coding course should offer a comprehensive curriculum that covers not just the basics but also advanced topics relevant to your industry. The course must stay updated with the latest Python versions and features, as Python is constantly evolving. This ensures that your team is learning modern practices and not outdated techniques.

Practical Application and Project-Based Learning

Theoretical knowledge is essential, but real learning happens when your team applies these concepts to real-world scenarios. Look for courses that emphasize project-based learning. This approach not only solidifies understanding but also allows your team to demonstrate their newfound skills through tangible projects. 

These projects can often be directly relevant to your business needs, providing dual benefits of learning and solution development. So, whether you want to develop an AI solution or want to use Python for mobile app development, this approach can give you hands-on experience according to your preferences. 

Instructor Expertise and Support

The quality of instructors is a critical aspect. Ideally, they should not only be Python experts but also possess practical experience in software development. This combination ensures that the learning is grounded in real-world application, making it more relevant and impactful. Additionally, consider the level of support offered. Is there a forum or community where learners can interact with instructors and peers? This kind of support system can significantly enhance the learning experience.

Flexibility and Accessibility

In today’s fast-paced business environment, flexibility in learning is key. Courses that offer self-paced learning or flexible schedules are ideal, as they allow your team to learn without disrupting their regular work. Furthermore, ensure that the course materials are accessible online, allowing your team to learn from anywhere, at any time.

Certification and Recognition

Upon course completion, having a certification can be a great morale booster for your team and an excellent way to showcase their enhanced capabilities to clients and stakeholders. Ensure that the courses offer recognized certifications that hold value in the professional world.


While cost should not be the primary deciding factor, it is undoubtedly an important consideration, especially when training multiple team members. Look for courses that offer the best value for money - this doesn't necessarily mean the cheapest option, but rather the one that provides the most comprehensive learning experience within a reasonable budget.

Feedback and Reviews

Before making a final decision, it's wise to check reviews and feedback from other businesses that have taken the course. This can provide valuable insights into the course's effectiveness and applicability in a real-world business context.

Why choose Python?

Choosing the best Python courses can be a pivotal decision for US-based organizations looking to enhance their software development capabilities. Moreover, software or mobile app development companies are always on the lookout for developers with extensive experience in Python, given its demand. 

Easy to Learn and Use

Python's straightforward syntax is often highlighted in the best online Python courses with certificates, making it an ideal language for beginners. This simplicity turns Python into an excellent teaching language in various Python full courses, allowing newcomers to grasp programming concepts with ease. Seasoned developers also find Python appealing for its readability and straightforward approach to problem-solving, a feature commonly emphasized in Python programming courses.

Versatility and Wide Range of Applications

Python is a very diverse language. This means it supports different programming styles, including procedure-driven, object-oriented, and functional programming. Its versatility is often presented in the best Python courses with certificates. The language can be used in up-and-coming technologies such as web development, data analysis, artificial intelligence, scientific computing, and more. Python's extensive standard library and a vast ecosystem of third-party packages, commonly discussed in comprehensive Python full courses, enhance its applicability across domains.

Cross-Platform Compatibility

Highlighted in many online Python courses, Python is a cross-platform language, meaning programs can run on various operating systems without code modifications. This feature makes Python a popular choice in multi-platform development and is often a focus in the best Python course offerings.

Strong Community and Ecosystem

Python's large and active community contributes to an extensive collection of libraries, frameworks, and tools, a feature often covered in Python programming courses. This ensures constant updates and improvements, making Python an ever-evolving language. The availability of numerous libraries simplifies tasks in various fields, a key component of many Python training online.

Used in Data Science and Machine Learning

The simplicity of Python and its rich ecosystem of data science libraries, like NumPy, Pandas, and SciPy, are often core components of the best Python courses, particularly those focused on data science and machine learning. Libraries such as TensorFlow and sci-kit-learn provide powerful tools for developing and deploying machine learning models, which are central to many advanced Python programming courses. These topics are integral to the best ways to learn Python, often covered in both Python training courses and free Python courses online.

Efficiency and Reliability

Despite being an interpreted language, Python is efficient for a wide range of applications. This efficiency is a common topic in Python courses, especially those that compare Python with other languages. It's reliable and robust, with capabilities to scale even for large applications. Understanding these aspects is part of advanced Python courses and is crucial in Python training online, helping learners appreciate Python's strengths.

Integration Capabilities

Python's ability to integrate with other programming languages like C, C++, and Java is a frequent topic in advanced Python certification courses. This interoperability allows Python to be used in diverse environments and complements other technologies. Such integration capabilities are often emphasized in Python training courses, including free Python learning courses online, showcasing Python's versatility.

Web Development

Python's utility in web development is often a focus in the best Python course offerings. Frameworks like Django and Flask, covered extensively in Python courses, make web development straightforward, offering functionalities to create everything from simple web pages to complex web applications. This is a key area in Python training online, forming a significant part of the curriculum in both free and paid advanced Python developer courses.


How much do online Python classes cost?+

The cost of online Python courses varies widely, depending on factors like the course provider, the depth of content, and whether it's part of a larger program. For instance, a comprehensive Python full course offered by top universities or specialized tech education platforms might range from a few hundred to a few thousand dollars. In contrast, shorter, topic-specific Python programming courses could cost less. However, the best Python course for an individual depends on their learning needs and budget. Regularly, top Python courses offer flexible pricing options, including subscriptions, one-time payments, or even free trials. 

Are there free online Python courses?+

Yes, there are numerous free online Python courses available, catering to learners of all levels. These courses, often provided by educational platforms, universities, or community-driven initiatives, can be an excellent starting point for beginners or a resource for experienced programmers looking to brush up their skills. While these free courses might not always offer the comprehensive depth of a paid Python full course, many are well-structured and provide a solid foundation in Python programming. When searching for the best Python course that's free, it's advisable to check course reviews and community feedback to ensure quality learning. 

How long is the average online Python course?+

The duration of online Python courses can vary significantly based on the course's scope and depth. A typical Python programming course designed for beginners might range from a few weeks to a couple of months if it covers the basics. However, a more comprehensive Python full course covering advanced topics can last up to six months or more. The best Python course for you depends on how in-depth and specialized the content is. Top Python courses often provide a clear timeline and learning path, helping learners manage their time effectively. 

Is Python free to download?+

Yes, Python is free to download and use. It is an open-source programming language, which means its source code is freely available and can be modified and distributed. This accessibility is one of the reasons why Python is popular and widely taught in online Python courses. Most Python programming courses, including the best Python course offerings and top Python courses, will guide learners through the process of setting up Python on their systems. The Python full course options often include practical exercises that require learners to use the Python software installed on their computers. 

Written By
Aparna Growth Strategist

Aparna is a growth specialist with handsful knowledge in business development. She values marketing as key a driver for sales, keeping up with the latest in the Mobile App industry. Her getting things done attitude makes her a magnet for the trickiest of tasks. In free times, which are few and far between, you can catch up with her at a game of Fussball.

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